Alfamedstar doo Beograd is a company that holds an online platform (hereinafter: “Platform/Mediator”), which connects adult citizens (hereinafter: “Users”) with experts from all various areas od medicine, thereby mediating in obtaining the required consultant favors from qualified doctors specialized in the medical field, psychologists, as well as all other health workers who qualify (graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry or Pharmacy, or have other appropriate qualifications for a healthcare worker, possessing required licenses etc.) (hereinafter: “Service Providers”).

The platform serves exclusively for the mediation, namely for connecting the Users with the Service Providers.

The provided information and consultations given by the Service Providers to the Users via Platform, will in no case be considered as medical assistance in the form of diagnosis, performing health activities regarding the User's health condition or prescribing therapy, but are exclusively considered as counseling.

The purpose of the connection between the User and the Service Provider is purely informative, and it is limited to:

· General information about the effect of certain medicines;
· General information about disease symptoms and their causes;
· Improving health habits;
· Provision of psychological support for the duration of the treatment procedure;

(hereinafter: "Purpose of the Cooperation");

The given information does not serve as a basis for making any decisions regarding the User's health condition, moreover, the activities of the Service Provider are not considered as giving Health protections. The platform does not represent a place for providing health care or health activities on any scale, but a place of informational character.

The Platform is not responsible or liable for any of the services and consultations that the Services Providers provide for the Users.

The Platform collects personal data from the Users and Service Providers, which is necessary for executing Service Providers’ obligations as well as Platform’s obligations regarding the given services. Thereby, it is considered that by giving such information and forming such legal relation, the Users have agreed and acknowledged that the Platform collects and processes necessary personal data.

All personal data is confidential and is used exclusively for the means of given consultations, as well as other obligations that the Platform and Service Providers execute.

In accordance to the previously stated, the Platform respects all legal norms, especially the Law on the protection of personal data, as well as the Law on patients’ rights (Article 14 – “Right on privacy and confidentiality” and Article 21 – “Right on confidentiality of data concerning the health of the patient.”).

Platform’s details for official communication are:

WhatsApp: +381 62 9451083


Alfamedstar doo Beograd je privredno društvo koje je nosilac onlajn platforme (u daljem tekstu: „Platforma/Posrednik“) koja povezuje punoletne građane (u daljem tekstu: „Korisnike“) sa stručnjacima iz oblasti medicine, te na taj način posreduje u pridobijanju odgovarajućih konsultantskih usluga od strane doktora određenih specijalizacija, psihologa, kao i svih drugih medicinskih radnika koji ispunjavaju uslove i kvalifikacije (završen medicinski, stomatološki, farmaceutski fakultet ili ispunjavanje drugih kvalifikacija medicinskog radnika, posedovanje odgovarajućih licenci za rad i sl.) (u daljem tekstu: „Pružaociusluga“).

Platforma se isključivo bavi posredovanjem, odnosno, povezivanjem Korisnika sa Pružaocima usluga.

Informacije i konsultacije koje Pružaoci usluga pruže Korisnicima putem Platforme ne smatraju se pružanjem medicinskih usluga, dijagnostikovanjem, niti lečenjem Korisnika putem prepisivanja terapije, već se isključivo smatraju savetovanjem.

Svrha povezivanja između Korisnika i Pružaoca usluge je isključivo informativna, i svodi se na:

· Opšte informisanje o dejstvu pojedinih lekova;
· Opšte informisanje o simptomima bolesti i njihovim uzročnicima;

· Unapređenje zdravstvenih navika;
· Pružanje psihološke potpore za vreme trajanja postupka lečenja;

(u daljem tekstu: Svrha Saradnje);

Pružene informacije ne smeju služiti kao osnova za donošenje bilo kakvih odluka koje se tiču zdravstvenog stanja Korisnika, te aktivnosti Pružaoca usluge ne predstavljaju mesto za pružanje zdravstvene zaštite ili zdravstvene delatnosti u bilo kakvom obimu, već mesto informativnog karaktera.

Platforma ne snosi bilo kakvu odgovornost za usluge koje Pružalac usluge pruži Korisnicima.

Platforma obrađuje podatke o ličnosti Korisnika i Pružaoca usluga koji su neophodni radi izvršenja obaveza Pružaoca usluga i Platforme, te se smatra da je Korisnik usluge davanjem tih podataka pristao na obradu svojih podataka o ličnosti stupanjem u poslovno-pravni odnos sa Platformom.

Svi podaci o ličnosti su poverljivi i koriste se jedino u svrhe izvršenja konsultacija i ostalih obaveza Platforme I Pružaoca usluga.

U skladu s navedenim, Platforma posluje poštujući zakonske norme, a posebno Zakon o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti i Zakon o pravima pacijenata (član 14 – “Pravo na privatnost i poverljivost”, član 21 – “Pravo na poverljivost podataka o zdravstvenom stanju pacijenta”).

Podaci Platforme za zvaničnu komunikaciju su sledeći:

WhatsApp: +381 62 9451083